Zackory Erickskon

I am looking for 3 PhD students to join our research group in Fall 2024. If you are a recently admitted CMU PhD student, please email me!

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I lead the Robotic Caregiving and Human Interaction (RCHI) Lab. My research focuses on developing new robot learning, mobile manipulation, and sensing methods, with applications in physical human-robot interaction and healthcare.

Previously, I received my PhD in Robotics at Georgia Tech advised by Charlie Kemp.




Office: Newell-Simon Hall 4627

Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA


Fall 2024: 16-741: Mechanics of Manipulation
Spring 2024: 16-762: Mobile Manipulation
Fall 2023: 16-741: Mechanics of Manipulation
Spring 2023: 16-887: Robotic Caregivers and Intelligent Physical Collaboration
Fall 2022: 16-741: Mechanics of Manipulation
Spring 2022: 16-887: Robotic Caregivers and Intelligent Physical Collaboration
Spring 2021: BMED 4833/8813 - Robotic Caregivers
Spring 2020: BMED 4803/8813 - Robotic Caregivers

You can find a recording of my Robotics PhD Defense at Georgia Tech here:

In 2016, I participated in the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum. Here are some photos from the 4th HLF.