16-887: Robotic Caregivers and Intelligent Physical Collaboration (Spring 2022)

Course Info


Course Schedule

Course Project Statement

Time: Monday & Wednesday 1:25 - 2:45 PM
Location: NSH 3002
Instructor: Zackory Erickson
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:45 - 3:45 PM
Course Questions and Discussion: Slack – Registered students will be added

Final Projects

Wearable Interface for Controlling a Collaborative Mobile Manipulator

[Presentation PDF]


AquaBot: Assistive Drinking Robot for People with Mobility Impairments

[Presentation PDF]


WeHelp: Wheelchair Helper

[Presentation PDF] | [Code]


Course Description

Robotics researchers and futurists have long dreamed of robots that can serve as caregivers. In this project-based course, you’ll learn about intelligent physical human-robot collaboration and opportunities for robots that contribute to caregiving. You’ll gain hands-on experience with teleoperation, autonomy, perception, navigation, manipulation, human-robot interaction, and machine learning. You’ll also learn about robot design, collaborative research, and healthcare robotics.

This is a graduate-level project-based course for students interested in physical human-robot collaboration and robotic caregiving. There are no exams nor textbook assignments. You will be working with a group of your peers to develop solutions to real-world problems in which robots physically interact with and assist people. There are two projects where you will work with a real mobile manipulator and build on state-of-the-art methods from scientific literature, all leading to a live robot demonstration, presentation, and short paper to disseminate your results.


Prior experience with the Python programming language is encouraged and extremely beneficial.


Earlier versions of this course were co-developed and co-instructed with Prof. Charlie Kemp at Georgia Tech. An adaptation of this course, Robotic Caregivers, is still taught at Georgia Tech (as of Fall 2021).